Saturday, August 25, 2012

Darkness, behold!!

We all go through tough days, don't we? We have minds that wobble, wander and meander for a resolve; a resolve that never is present elsewhere than within...

And in my view, there are two reasons why days can get tough - for reasons you can't do much about and for ones that are very much in our control. It aches worse to be going thro' the latter. And that may I call, "darkness - self imposed".

Darkness - I have heard of you; yes I have...
I have seen you too, may be yes... but not as much
Ever wondered - Why not just hold light, than fret in fear?!
Why not just live broad daylight than venture the unknown??
Why not rush back to light, for fear doesn't thrill, does it!
If only rushing back was as easy...

Well, there I stand - in the middle of nowhere,
Going back and forth in memory - On the bygone and the "to go";
What brought me here, and in all this dark - where from here?
The past hovers and the future lingers – the present, very much the same
Is there anything at all, that keeps me going?

Yes there is – For one, I surely trust
The voice within – the one that cries peace in chaos
The one that darkness can challenge but never win…
Thanks to what little I have held on to – I am listening keen
Wading thro’ the chaos, reaching out to the feeble cry – the only one…

I look up – though in vain, in all the dark,
And say, “My shepherd, I know – this sheep strayed against your command,
But the sheep is still yours! Don’t let this dark devour you,
For the “rs” doesn’t mean much–nothing it is,
Nothing it can be - Without “you”!

You sent me here, with a secret we share; My bad – I never remember,
But you do – I know. Take my word and give me yours,
You shall not beckon me back – unless it is done!
My word? Never will I take onus of this self, from your safe hands!
That by itself, is such a mirage I know. But Sir,
You put quite some task sending me here!!

Love you Hero,